I wasn’t always keen on writing and sharing it with the public. People around me kept saying how writing is not for everyone and that we should all stick to what we do best – they really turned me off. But as I learned more about the topics I’m interested in, especially computers and technology, I got an urge to share my knowledge with friends and colleagues. I even sparked some meaningful conversations.

This website is a one-man project. I’m trying my best to update it regularly. Unfortunately, due to my workload, that’s not always possible. That’s where you come in.

I would like to invite you – my readers and fellow tech enthusiasts – to contribute to my blog with your ideas and input, so we can make this place more active and engaging. I get many emails from you in which you say you want to share your experiences and knowledge about various subjects. Inspired by this, I want to offer you a public platform to write about things you are passionate about.

If you want to write for my website and have your articles seen by thousands of loyal readers, simply pitch your idea in the contact form below. You’d be doing me a great favour by contributing here. It can also open many new doors for you.

What You Can Write About

You already know that this website covers a wide range of topics. Practically anything you can think of is good enough to be published here. Sure, the focus is on tech-related subjects, but just like our interests cannot all be put in a single box, I enjoy writing about a lot of seemingly unrelated things.

Here is a list of topics you can write about:

  • Cool Gadgets
  • Freelance
  • PCs and Laptops
  • Relationships
  • Running a Blog
  • Smartphones
  • Software
  • Operating Systems
  • Android Stuff
  • Streaming and Vlogs
  • Online World
  • Online Money-Making Ideas
  • Travelling
  • Video Games
  • Web Development

As you can see, you may cover practically any topic you enjoy. Coming up with the title and theme of your article might prove a little difficult at first, so here are a few examples to get you going:

  • 10 Tech Vlogs You Need to Follow
  • You Shouldn’t Go Travelling Without These Five Apps
  • 7 Must-Have Plugins for Your WordPress Blog

Everyone’s a Writer

If you want to submit a guest post to my blog but are put off by the naysayers, just ignore them. I can guarantee that if you have something fresh and interesting to say about anything, people will want to read it. We can’t all write like the literary greats, but nobody expects us to.

Readers come here in search of reliable information about new technologies, gadgets, video games and software. They want to read first-hand impressions from your journeys to other cities and countries. The visitors of this website are looking to buy new gadgets and install the apps that will suit their needs.

If you can respond to their demands in a concise and understandable way, you are perfect for this.

What You Get From This

Your post will be read by thousands of regular readers who are very keen on sharing the content they like on social media. This kind of exposure can lead to many great things. Perhaps a recruiter at a big tech website will take note of your article and ask you to do some writing for them.

Or maybe you will discover you have a natural knack for writing and will want to start your own blog. You’ll find on this site instructions on how to make your personal blog successful, so you can use them to set up a profitable blog.

Practice makes perfect, so writing frequently will certainly help you further develop your writing skills.

Let’s Get Started

If you want to write and publish your post here, we can arrange that in no time. Pitch an idea using the contact form below. I can’t wait to hear your ideas and read your guest contributions – together we can make this website even better!
