The history about DWG format and its conversion
DWG format is mainly associated with the designers. It is because the format is the default for multiple 2D and 3D design applications that include traditional ones like DraftSight, AutoCAD, and IntelliCAD. It is a file format that we use for storing the data and metadata of both two dimensional as well as three-dimensional websites. There are some variants available to you considering this file type. There are times when you need DWG format conversion. It is highly significant when you are going to use your design in a presentation. In this article, we will reflect a bit on its history and use before finally touching the conversion part.
DWG format was developed in the 1970s by Mike Riddle. The file type was licensed in 1982 by the Autodesk and was taken into consideration for AutoCAD. From there onwards, till 2009, Autodesk kept on developing it and enhancing it for further use. There are around 18 major variants of .dwg extension however they were not publicly documented.
Today, the CAD drawings are mostly stored in this format. In 1998, as per the stats from Autodesk, there were more than 2 billion files that were existing in this form. It indicates how much the data type was being used. Considering that, a number of companies came into the market with the solutions that read and write this format. These include the Open Design Alliance, Free Software Foundation, etc.
The variants
There are certain main variants of the .dwg file. If you happen to use any CAD software, you are likely to come across the following types of .dwg format:
- Bak: .bak is the drawing backup file for .dwg. You might have seen the back up while you are drawing something in computer aided design software.
- Dws: .dws is the standard edition of dwg. It refers to the drawing standards file.
- Dwt: .dwt format is another one in this category. It refers to the drawing template.
- Sv$: Last but not the least, in the common .dwg file variants, we have the .sv$. It refers to the temporary automatic save which ensures that data does not get lost if there is unwanted shutdown.
Converting .dwg
There are countless formats in which you can convert the .dwg file. It depends on your needs that in which format you convert your file. If you need to present it as an image, you can get it converted in the JPEG, JPG, or PNG file. In case you happen to use it as a vector, the .SVG will perhaps be your pick. Moreover, you can also convert it into PSD, WPG, SWF, PS, WEBP, GIF, TIF, and many other formats.
The dwg format conversion can be done easily through reaconverter. It is an application that allows you to covert the dwg file into all the formats mentioned in above paragraph. Moreover, there are a number of other file typse choices available to you. Not only you can convert the dwg file but you can take any other file such as JPG, PNG, SVG, PHP, OCP, DWF, DXF, and turn them into .dwg for your use.